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:~: Monday, September 10, 2007 :~:

Theme Songs

I know a lot of writers who can't start a book until they have a title. Some can't write without knowing their characters first, middle and last names. Some can't even begin typing until they've got character sketches done in full. None of those are me.

There is one thing I have to have before I start writing though. A theme song.

Yeah, yeah, I know, call me weird, but with every book I write, there's one song that fits the story to a T. If you listen closely to the lyrics you will see my characters, their struggle and what they're going through. It's different than a playlist. It's one song that is "them". Sometimes I know that song before the story starts, sometimes it comes to me shortly thereafter.

The theme songs for my last few books have been:






So here I sit, starting a new book. I'm in the middle of chapter two and it's hit me. I don't have a theme song yet! I know before much longer, I'll be on the hunt.

Anyone else out there have theme songs or am I just totally weird? And if you do, share what your theme songs have been.



Blogger B.E. Sanderson said...

I don't, but that doesn't make you weird. I can totally see that working for you. In fact, there are some books that are linked in my mind with certain songs - sometimes because the song fits the book, and sometimes because it was the song playing the background while I was reading the book. Some things just fit together. =oD

8:59 PM  
Blogger MJFredrick said...

I don't need a theme SONG but I need to know what TYPE of songs go with the book. And I don't need it to start - I need to get into the story a bit, wallow around, get to know the characters.

Fun topic!

3:02 AM  
Blogger Joan Swan said...

Wow, E, that's pretty cool. I think Linda does theme songs -- Like Georgia Rain for HOTM/Tick&Cait.

There are often songs that I associate with my books or characters, but I've never considered them theme songs -- althought it totally makes sense.

I've often said (mostly to myself and once to you I think) that I wish I could write in a way that made people feel the way I feel when I listen to music.

Those videos are perfect examples -- 2 minutes and you're so caught up in the story you want to know what's happening or what's happened or what's going to happen and you feel the emotions the singers/actors feel.


Great post.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

LOL, thanks, B.E. I think certain songs do just naturally fit certain books - even book I read by other authors.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Mary, I think songs help you get to know your characters. At least they do for me.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Okay. Didn't know Georgia Rain was Tick/Cait's theme song. Going to go listen to it now to see if it fits...

J, that comment you made to me long ago about writing the way music makes you feel has always stuck with me. That's the way I want (and hope) to write as well.

4:01 PM  

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