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What We're Working On Now

Elisabeth: Marked

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33,126 / 95,000

Joan: Buried Secrets

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68,000 / 115,000

Linda: Facing It

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
45,540 / 85,000

:~: Friday, June 29, 2007 :~:

When She Was Bad . . .

Well, I'm being bad. Very, very, very bad. I've tried to blame it on Carol, but she refuses to accept responsibility. (Although it really is all her fault!)

If I were a good girl, I'd be working on the WIP, which I really need to finish by the end of July. And I will, most likely -- I have the first three chapters finished and I've written the plotting synopsis. I'm not stuck or out of the groove or anything like that.

If I were a good girl, I'd be getting a start on my print galleys for WMM, which are duy July 27.

If I were a good girl, I'd probably be using my spare time to do even more promo for TAC, since I'm scared to death those numbers won't shine. (Why I have this fear, I don't know. Maybe because my numbers for WMM were really good and I'm afraid it was a fluke.)

There are a hundred things I could be doing if I were a good girl.

Well, you know that old saying, "When she was good, she was very good, and when she was bad, she was horrid?" Usually, I'm Ms. Responsibility. I meet deadlines and I work on writing and I take care of the myriad other tasks in my life. But this week, for the past three days anyway, I've been the definition of bad and oh, my, it's been fun.

What have I been up to?

Well, okay, I'll tell you. Shhh. You can't tell anyone else! Okay?

I've been writing just for fun.

I told you it was shocking. It feels like the writing I did way back in 1996 and 1997 when it was me and Jen and ideas and all these scenes tumbling through my head. I'd write something up, zip it off to her, she'd reply, and somehow, we'd put together these huge mystery/relationship stories that were just for us. We were writing simply because we had to get those ideas down. It was fun, and I'm very nostalgic about that period in my writing life.

So it's very likely no one will ever see what I'm writing now (well, other than Carol -- I subject her to snippets on a regular basis, but she hasn't complained yet, although it can't make much sense, these pieces of a story given out of order). It's not intended for my editor or an agent or even for a nebulous crowd of readers.

This is for me. And I think it's just what I needed to make my summer complete.



Blogger Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said...

For the scenes I've seen coming through? Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. I'll take responsibility.

Send more soon, k?

5:15 PM  
Blogger Linda Winfree said...

I'm working on it, I'm working on it, LOL.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Sometimes that's the best kind of writing. :)

Glad you're having fun.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Joan Swan said...

Have fun, Lin. It's important to your emotional health as well as your "literal" health. :-)

8:41 PM  

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