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Linda: Facing It

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45,540 / 85,000

:~: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 :~:

Office Space

I've been sitting here all morning trying to think of something to post, but today is one of those days when the inspiration is hard to come by, so I decided to share my office space with everyone instead.

Not long after I started writing, I took over what used to be the kids' playroom and made myself an office. It doesn't have a door anymore (we took a wall down to make the kitchen bigger), but it's in a private area off the kitchen so I have peace and quiet to work when I need it. The room itself is 7"x25", and I use about half that for my office area.

My necessities for when I'm working:

1. My to-do list: If I don't write down what needs to be done--and keep it in a place I can see it--I tend to forget and end up scrambling to get things finished at the last minute.

2. A Post It storyboard--this is for a story I've been working on revising off and on, and the storyboard helped me see what was lacking and what I had too much of. Once I finish the revisions, the storyboard will come down, but it's probably going to be there for a good, long while. :grin:

3. My desk organizer--lots of index cards for notes during editing, Post Its, pens and pencils so everything is within easy reach.

4. Hand lotion--I use this all the time when I'm writing, especially in the winter.

5. Since most of my writing lately is done at night, I've had to bring in a second lamp so I can see what I'm doing once it gets dark.

7. (Yeah, I know there's no 6. I labeled this when I was tired and miscounted. LOL) The mini-phone book with all the restaurant menus in it, so I can order takeout without ever having to leave my chair.

8. Scrap paper for plot and character notes, which inevitably later become bookmarks.

9. Hair clips and elastics--I can't deal with my hair in my face while I'm working.

10. My stapler that the mini-diva keeps stealing for art projects.

11. Index cards, which I use a lot of to make note of what needs to be changed as I'm editing.

12. A picture of the mini-diva when she was a baby. She put it there herself, telling me it would make me think of her whenever I looked at it.

13. A painting of the ocean in Gloucester, not far from where I lived when I was younger. I don't know why, but for some reason it gives me inspiration.

14. The only type of monitor that will fit on my narrow desk. It was a Christmas present a few years ago, and it definitely gets a lot of use.

What is your office space like? What do you keep on your desk when you're writing?

Okay, I couldn't post a picture in the comments, so I'm hijacking Dawn's blog to show you the opposite of her office space--my office space.

1) Flat panel TV my DH got as a party favor from his last union golf tournament.

2) Storage for junk I don't need (and don't even know what's in there).

3) Pictures of the loved ones I see all day, every day, just in case they're acting their age and I need to remember how cute they were when they were little.

4) My certificate for finalling in the 2006 RWA GH, that's my inspiration.

5) Pictures/crafts created by the little darlings.

6) Envelopes -- 500 of them -- that should last until I'm 88.

7) Bills I should have paid before I left, but didn't, and lots of junk that should be in the bathroom, but only made it as far as my desk.

8) Phone - the cheapest piece of crap you can buy with a cord that instantly tangles and stretches 4" max so you find yourself bent over while talking.

9) A cute little crap holder - the little sister to #2.

10) Paper that has been printed on one side--I use this for printing out mss for editing purposes...I'm recycling!

11) Regular paper. I buy it by the case.

12) Two more shelves of miscellaneous stuff...brothers to #2 and #9.

13) Oh, look at that...more bills I didn't pay before I left.

14) World's most tempermental POS printer.

15) Makeshift lighting so I can doctor the tempermental POS printer -- just about everyday.

Maybe we can get Linda and Elisabeth to post pics of their writing spaces!! What do you say, girls?


Well, I'm not as talented as J and Elisa, so there are no fancy numbers, but I'll give it a go.

Voila. My office.


Surely I jest. (And no, my name isn't Shirley)

Actually, that's the office I want. *sigh* Right now my office is the dining room table. I'm trying to talk the DH into transforming our dining room into my office (see above) and moving the table to another location in the house which would actually be a better spot for it. We might actually use it as a table then. We're still in negotiations. If my book ever sells though, this is going to be my celebratory purchase.



Blogger Joan Swan said...

Oh, my GOD -- It's sooooo CLEAN!

I'm out of town right now, so I can't show you my space. But just to do a black and white comparison, I asked my dd to take a picture of my desk as it was before I left and email to me. I don't know how to add a photo into a comment, but I'll try to add it later -- just so everyone can laugh their asses off.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Joan Swan said...

Okay, I posted a highly embarrassing picture of my office space for those of you feeling a little frumpy after looking at Dawn's pristine office space. (Added to the end of Dawn's post)

Hoping we can get Lin and E to contribute!!

And if anyone out there knows how to post a picture in the comments section...feel free to post one of your office space.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Linda Winfree said...

Sorry, guys, can't post one of mine . . . no digital camera. (I should have found some Martha Stewart-perfect pic online and posted that, LOL!).

6:01 PM  
Blogger B.E. Sanderson said...

Right now my office space looks a lot cleaner than usual, but only because the house is for sale. I have a flat screen monitor sitting on top of a dictionary, speakers (although I usually have the sound turned down), a pen/pencil cup shaped like a stack of books, a picture of my parents at their 39th anniversary party (39th because we weren't sure Dad would live to see the 40th). My glasses and my watch are there but never used. I keep my computer on top of my filing cabinet, and paper is stacked on top of the computer. Under my desk are the garbage can and the paper shredder. (Of course, all of this could change once we move, but that's it for now.)

8:19 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Love your office space, Elisa. Great fun blog! Love seeing where everyone works.

I'd post a real pic, but the stack of files and papers is too embarrassing for me to handle. LOL

9:16 PM  
Blogger Joan Swan said...

E, you chicken!! I posted my chaos!

And It's not IF, girlie, it's WHEN your book sells.

8:05 AM  
Blogger Elisa said...

LOL, J, I couldn't fit my whole desk into the shot. To the right of my work area, I have the birds' playgym and toys. There's pretty much birdseed everywhere. *g* And I don't think your space looks too messy. :)

LOL, Linda.

B.E., I really need to get a paper shredder. It's one of those things that's out of sight, out of mind for me.

Eli, I want that office, too.

3:44 AM  

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