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Linda: Facing It

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:~: Monday, January 01, 2007 :~:

So Long 2006, Hello 2007

I love this cartoon. Ah....if only it were that easy. Unfortunately, it's not, but instead of dwelling on that fact, I'm simply going to say...

Happy 2007!

Wow, that just looks so strange. Seems like only yesterday we were all wondering what would happen with the dawning of the new millennium, and here we are in 2007 already.

As you start this new year, I hope you are well-rested, got everything you dreamed for Christmas, had a wonderful holiday season and are - as I type - stuffed from too much food and drink and that never-ending family bliss (and hopefully thrilled your team won its bowl game - mine did!!!).

I'm not big on resolutions. I tend to subscribe to the whole - if I'm going to make a change way of thinking, then I'll make it anytime during the year, not just on January 1. But as 2006 draws to a close, I do realize it's inevitable not to look back at the year and consider what we each accomplished, if we met those self-imposed goals (or resolutions) and how we alter those plans in the coming year.

2006 was good to me. No, I didn't sell, but I came close - very close - and the optimism from that near-sale is enough to spur me on in 2007. Persistence, patience and the belief I will reach my goal is where my focus now lies. In 2006 I won my first writing contest and received a paid RWA conference registration as the grand prize winner. I finished a book I'm very proud of and hope to someday see in print. I pitched (again!) and didn't die in the process. I went to Nationals in Atlanta, schmoozed, put myself out there, and met some really great people. And I signed with my agent (whom I love). I found a new critique partner who's had some great suggestions, I stumbled across a wonderful friendship with my Nationals roommate (you know who you are!) and now can't imagine my life without her in it, and I cultivated other relationships with chapter members who I now consider some of my closest friends. I went on two writer's retreats and loved every minute of it, I stayed active in my local chapter and have networked myself silly.

Of course, there are things I wish I would have done differently, goals I didn't meet, but in the end, when I look back at 2006, it's done with a smile. I have new goals for 2007 - goals I can control and some I can't - and though I might not reach them all, I know every step I take is one more in my ultimate goal of a long and prosperous career in the writing business.

So how was 2006 for you? I'd love to hear about your accomplishments and what heights you hope to reach in 2007.



Blogger Linda Winfree said...

Someone on another loop described 2006 in Dickens's words: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." I can kind of relate to that, LOL. It definitely had its ups and downs.

What would I like to accomplish in 2007? Sell three more books so I'd have four releases in '08 to go with my four in '07. Write two new manuscripts. Get my marketing plan rolling and keep it rolling!

Can't wait to see everyone else's answers!

9:15 AM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Those are great goals to strive for, Lin. And that's a great quote.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Paty Jager said...

My plans/goals for 2007 are to keep putting out manuscripts and learning more about promotion. I have two manuscripts (one is a WIP) that TWRP will contract. I just haven't decided if I want to go that route with one of them.

Looking at the first half of my year, I am so busy I don't know how I did all this and three part time jobs! I think the best thing about 2007 is not being tied to a 4-H schedule. Yeah! Writing comes first for the first time since I pursued becoming published. It's a great feeling and I wish it for every other writer out there!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Paty, once I sell I'll be looking to you (and Lin) to educate me on the whole promotion thing. I pay attention when people talk about it, but some of it's in-one-ear-out-the-other because I'm not at that point yet. But I'm learning a lot by watching the rest of you!

Glad you're so excited about your new "writing" time!

7:20 PM  
Blogger Joan Swan said...

I have a lot of things I'd like to accomplish in 2007 -- most a continuation of things I've started in 2006.

I lost 24 pounds in 2006 and I'd like to lose another 24 in 2007. I'd also like to focus more on home and hearth, so I'm focused on cooking more, doing more with my daughters (one just joined my gym), organizing, paying off bills (when our cabin sells).

As for career, my jewelry sales locally have continued to grow. And recently my ebay sales really took a jump. In 2007 I'm going to refocus on my beads for financial reasons. Put more creative energy into making and selling both beads and jewelry, which will involve a lot of trial and error, a lot of research and new design attempts.

Writing wise...sigh. I'm not quite as focused as E and L. I know I have to get Safe to my agent, Nahvae (self imposed deadline of 1/5). And I have to polish Hiding and get that out to her as well (self imposed deadline of Feb 5). Beyond that, beyond my continuing goal to hone craft and deepen skills, I honestly don't know. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

Wow, J. 24 pounds is incredible! Way to go!

I think your goals are all lofty and completely attainable. You're a driven individual, so I know you'll reach all of them. And as for the writing, I know you'll work that out as well. You've been working hard, and that work will one day pay off. Don't give up.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Joan Swan said...

Thanks, E. Believe me, this is a great day to hear that. :-)

3:44 PM  

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