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Linda: Facing It

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:~: Friday, November 10, 2006 :~:

Why I Read

A book order arrived today for my classroom. I've had kids waiting days for these books, and it was like Christmas coming early. The best part was watching kids who readily admit they don't like to read signing out books their classmates had recommended and actually showing excitement about reading.

I can't conceive of not liking to read, although I'm well aware there are many people out there who don't read. I'm reading a couple of Kelly Gallagher books now on teaching literacy skills and motivating kids to read. One of those books it titled Reading Reasons. He has nine reasons why people should read.

Today, I thought I'd share with you my reading reasons. Then, after you've shared yours with me, I'll come back Sunday and post Gallagher's nine reasons.

My reasons:

1) It's fun.
2) It's an escape.
3) I can see things, go places, meet people I'd never get to meet in real life.
4) I like knowledge and I learn something new every time I read.
5) I like words. And ideas. I get both from reading.
6) Reading widely makes me a better writer.
7) It keeps the mind sharp.
8) I get more from reading than I get from watching a movie or television.
9) Reading forms connections -- my friends read and we talk about books.

Why do you read?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted...but I think it got lost in the ether...so if this pops up more than once, I'm sorry. :)

A lot of my reasons are like yours, Linda...here they are:
1) Curiosity - I'm a curious person, I like to know stuff and reading feeds that.
2) It's the best way I've found to continue learning and growing.
3) Plain and simple fun.
4) Reading is an escape.
5) It takes me on adventures.
6) Reading - nonfiction to fiction - makes me a much better writer.
7) My friends and I read, discuss and connect over books.
8) Reading gives me an emotional connection that I don't get from television or movies.
9) Reading helps me form my own opinion on ideas from religion to politics.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I give you a list, I'll merely be repeating what's already there. But I'd like to add one that piggybacks on Kristi's #9.

Reading teaches tolerance.

So many times, I've read about a character who's hard to identify with. But after walking a mile in their shoes, I see another perspective that helps me understand their lifestyle or position.

In some ways I think the following can be true.
Reading can inspire us to be better people.

I've read books with a strong, principled character and came away determined to be a better person, a stronger person - like Atticus Finch.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Linda Winfree said...

Kristi, I love your list!

And Carol, you know I love Atticus Finch!

Now, here are Kelly Gallagher's Reading Reasons:

1) Reading is rewarding.
2) Reading builds a mature vocabulary.
3) Reading makes you a better writer.
4) Reading is hard, and "hard" is necessary.
5) Reading makes you smarter.
6) Reading prepares you for the real world of work.
7) Reading well is financially rewarding.
8) Reading opens the door to college and beyond.
9) Reading arms you against oppression.

4:50 PM  

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