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Elisabeth: Marked

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33,126 / 95,000

Joan: Buried Secrets

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68,000 / 115,000

Linda: Facing It

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
45,540 / 85,000

:~: Friday, November 24, 2006 :~:

To e or Not To e . . .

Or, "Confessions of a Recent E-book Convert."

Do you read e-books? For the longest time, I hadn't. I knew about them, was vaguely interested by the concept, but electronic books simply weren't on my radar.

Then Sharon Long over at Writeminded had a giveaway for a Samhain Publishing gift certificate. I won, got a free book, read it, but wasn't won over. Then, when Sharon's books began releasing from Samhain, I read those and a few by other Samhain officers. Well, the e-book bug bit. I like the instant gratification of choosing an e-book, downloading and being able to read it right then. (I'm not crazy about reading at my computer, but, hey. Instant books are cool). I'm not widely read among all the e-pubs -- I pretty much stick to Samhain (hey, they bought my stuff, and I'm loyal, LOL), although I've also read a few by Ellora's Cave.

So, do you e-book? What do you like about them? If you haven't taken the plunge yet, share your reasons. If you are an e-book fan, what authors, publishers, and titles would you recommend to the new e-book reader?


Blogger Joan Swan said...

The main reason I'm not an e-book reader is because I'm already on the computer so much, the last thing I want to do is get on the computer to do something that's supposidly liesure--reading. Also, even though I have a laptop, it's not as portable as a book. And I don't find reading off a computer screen as easy or as enjoyable as a printed book.

I like the look, feel, portablitily of a book book.

That probably has more to do with my generation than anything else. :-)

I will be one of those behind the times people as technology advances. I just recently bought a DVD player because when I went to rent movies, the ones I wanted to see weren't on VHS.

I may be forced into changing someday, but until then, I'm sticking to print books.

Looking forward to buying your books Lin when they come out in print a few months after e-release!! Yahoo!!

9:30 AM  
Blogger Amie Stuart said...

I would probably read more ebooks if I could get off the computer =)

I have to recommend Raine -- Incubus is my fave and normally I like light paranormal. Also Lena Matthews is another fave of mine.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth Naughton said...

I'm like J. I spend so much time on the computer, the last thing I want to do is read on the computer too. There's something magical about holding a book in your hand. I also like to read in the bathtub - nice long soak in bubbles - and you can't very well take the laptop in there with you.

I've read one ebook - and it was a short novella. It was okay, but it didn't make me race back for more. I have several friends who have recently sold to epubs, and though I'm totally excited for them, I'll probably wait a few months after their e-releases so I can buy the book in paperback and hold them in my little hands.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've only read a few ebooks - but I liked them all...I don't think there is a different in the "quality" of writing, in fact a couple of the ebooks were better than some traditional books I read at the same time. That said, I'm not a complete convert. Reading on the computer is hard for me, and since I'm on here a L O T anyway, it's hard to relax and really get into the story when it's on the 'puter.

1:58 PM  

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