To Blog or Not To Blog

It seems counter productive to start a personal blog when I often have a hard time working up adequate topics for this one. I also have a hard time just keeping my website updated, finding time to write and revise and crit others work, so adding one more thing to my list of to-dos is probably what's been holding me back.
On the other hand, I find myself wanting to simply...vent or chat, even if it's only to myself. And that doesn't seem appropriate for the more professional RWKF blog. Yet I do have some ideas for little snipits, quotes, thoughts that might stir my creativity as well as others'.
As you can see, I'm still undecided.
Most of you reading this have one or more blogs. How do you manage those? What are your guidelines for posting? Where does your audience come from? Why do it? What do you think you get out of it? What do you think others get out of it?
I'd love to hear your personal opinions on personal/professional blogging.
I have three. This one, my personal blog at and my RWA chapter blog at, which we just started about two months ago. The last one includes a number of published and unpublished writers from my local RWA chapter. All three of my blogs are different, and I enjoy each of them. On my personal blog I can vent about my personal writing, things in my life that relate to my writing. I love personal blogs because readers (and other writers) can see what's happening with you. It's also a great marketing tool, I think. This blog and my RWA blog are more "article" heavy, but I love them because they spark great discussions and thinking. And I've learned a lot from both.
Ultimately, blogging is a promotional tool. I think the more active you become in the blogosphere the better it will be when you finally sell. I post once a week here, about once every two weeks at my RWA blog and whenever the mood hits on my personal blog. I don't set up a schedule for that one. Sometimes it's twice a week, sometimes it's more, just depends on if I think I have anything interesting to say. ;)
I vote for starting up a personal blog. I miss your blog.
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